We are an Elder-led congregation located in Floyd, Virginia & part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
We have come to love Jesus Christ & hope you will too! He is our resurrected & living Lord, who came into the world to save sinners like us. This Good News prompts us to seek to honor Him by taking Him at His Word, worshiping as He directs, and living to His delight.
We take Him at His Word by receiving & believing the Bible, which He gave us through His Apostles & Prophets. His Holy Spirit continues to illumine & apply the Bible to our thinking, feeling & living each day!
We worship Him as He directs in His Word, rather than making it up to suit ourselves. This means that we read the Word, preach the Word, sing the Word, pray the Word & see the Word in the two sacraments–Christian baptism & the Lord’s Supper. Our Sunday service is simply from the Scripture and from the heart.
We know that we are not yet perfect, but want to be like Jesus! Becoming more Christ-like is our goal together.